Consistency is the Key

Journal Entry 1 June 2017

Consistency is the Key

Nothing is impossible for God, so yes things can happen in an instant! Overnight …. Suddenly everything changes! In QUICK Rapid Succession history is impacted! This life changing event is both Stunning and Amazing! Glory to God :)

But in studying the many “suddenlies” in the Bibles, we see that they were often proceeded by a lifetime of righteousness, of asking or even of long-suffering. 

So though breakthrough appears to be Sudden, if you were to go deeper, investigating what came prior, you would recognize a great waiting period.

This leads me to my thought today. 
Great "Suddenlies" don't spring from shallow roots.
They have taken deep root, growing and brooding over time before launched into something HUGE. 

You see, Consistency is the key to success. 

Not only is this a Kingdom principle it is also recognized by secular motivational teachers and even history's greatest speakers heralding as far back as Aristotle who iss quoted as saying “ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.”

I have come to a point in my life where I have to wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

And I would add that consistency is the key to success in any field.

We have to be glued to our goals and persistently follow daily regimens and practices in pursuit of these goals.
This takes an investment of time. It takes commitment.

And it is entirely true of our spiritual life as well.

How do we come to intimacy with the Lord Jesus? We grow in it.

Consistently taking in the Word of God is what brings us to repentance,that is the renewal of the mind. Renewing one’s mind means that we perceive things differently with the mind of Christ. We learn His ways, gain His Heart, our habits change, our motives change … everything changes!

Consistently waiting upon the Lord, ( hopefully on a daily basis ) is a discipline that is not only necessary to grow in spiritual maturity but it also offers great enjoyment.

I’ve found that only after years of sitting and waiting upon the Lord, have I learned to go truly enjoy the quiet rest that He offers. My mind was too active before. It was untrained. But it took time to train it to enjoy quietude and silence. And then a whole world began to open up to me … And yet I still regard myself as a beginner in contemplation because I am well aware of the vastness of the Lord’s Kingdom.

Yes discipline can be enjoyable when it is practices consistently! Taking that time to do what could be tough at first, but persisting and consistently delving in it is what leads to breakthrough, it leads to excellence … and it eventually leads to Suddenlies  )

Consistency is one of the Keys to PLUNGE into the Kingdom of God.

“….Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness,” ~ 1 Timothy 4:7

Ahava Sarah.


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