Gratitude turns things around!

Journal entry Monday June 5th 2017

Gratitude turns things around!

It is the fuel for great change.
Gratitude drives the train of your life upward and onward through the heights of majestic mountains.
Mountains that are so high, they must be continually fuelled by the buoyant joy of thanksgiving.
Spoken words of gratitude lift its wheels even higher!
Reverance for God brings clouds of grace.
All the while this Mighty Train travels along it's breathtaking journey.
Rising higher from Glory to Glory.

You see Gratitude and Thanksgiving are so potent ... they turn things around!

As we fill our minds with the Word of God, we gain the Mind of Christ.
That is always grateful, always in reverant awe of God.

For this reason we deliberately put our focus on the various blessings that we are reminded to be grateful for!
Like a muscle that must be trained...
Our focus must be trained to perpetually give thanks.
For what a Mighty Force Gratitude and Thanksgiving are!

As we are deliberately LIVE in a state of gratitude, creating the atmosphere of thanksgiving, we draw in more experiences deserving of our gratitude .... the attraction is magnetic.
It's inevitable ....

So don't be fooled by all that you see.
Keep believing in the unseen ... in all the wonderful promises of God that you are believing for!
Besides it is so much FUN to be in a state of gratitude, expecting great good to come at every turn. Try it and see :)
The Joy of the Lord truly is our strength ...
While Gratitude keep us buoyant.
It's just a matter of time before it's force pulls in so much more of His Goodness and Glory than we can even begin to imagine

From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdained.  ~ Jeremiah 13:19


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