HOPE undeferred ... is a Tree of Life

Wow! Such a revelation came to me this morning. I scribbled this in great haste and excitement this morning as the Lord opened up this scripture to me. 

I shout EUREKA! as it's feel as if I have struck gold :)

I hope this blesses you!

Love ASF 30 July 2017

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
But desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:1

So what does this mean ?

That hope deferred makes the heart sick.

Let's break it down.

Deferring hope makes the heart sick.

Let's study the definition of the root word defer

verb: defer; 3rd person present: defers; past tense: deferred; past participle: deferred; gerund or present participle: deferring

put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.

To defer means to put off an action for a later time.
When hope is deferred, it means that the individual chooses to no longer hope.

But what does the scripture say of the opposite event.
I assume that speaks of the individual who does hope.
How interesting, it follows the statement by saying that a desire fulfilled is a tree of life!

In the past I would have read that as, once the object of one's desire arrives, ( that is it's fulfillment ), then one becomes like a tree of life.

But the Holy Spirit enlightened me on this today. 

He said that desire is IMMEDIATELY fulfilled where there is hope! 

The minute you hope your desire is fulfilled, because you are already believing it, having faith for it and enjoying it as though you have it. 

Hence the verse begins with the sentence, Hope deferred makes the heart sick ( it's sick with sadness, limitations of the past, etc ) ... 

BUT when Hope is NOT deferred, which is an immediate occurrence, then the desire is fulfilled!

Highlight this note if you will, for this is Imperative -
When Hope is undeferred it TAKES ACTION. 
Because it is fully persuaded of the vision. It is willing to risk and move toward it as though it is undeniably coming. Taking Action is an Act of Faith.
Simply sitting around and believing it will drop from the sky is NOT FAITH. 
It's a misunderstanding of Faith.
A man or woman of Faith moves and takes action according to the unction of the Spirit.
Do not fall into striving and take any action.
One must gain an unction from the Lord, and move upon that.
I call it an unction, because it's not always resoundingly clear what steps to take, but there will be a sense a guidance that one must train oneself to become sensitive to discern and follow.
At times, we make mistakes, that's ok. Our mistakes are part of the training. :) 
Mistakes help us discern what is from the Lord and what is not.

Highlight this second note!:
SOW INTO THE VISION by sowing into the Kingdom of God. 
Declare out loud that the finances you are sowing is now transferred under the Kingdom of Heaven and proclaim what it will bring forth. Tie a scripture to what you are believing for.
This opens the floodgates of Heaven and releases the supply of Heaven. 
For the vision that is hoped for must be tilled and supplied to grow.

Now that I've established these points, let's move on. :)

You see the world assumes that the desire is only fulfilled when the object of our desire arrives.

But The Word of God= Jesus is relaying that the desire is fulfilled upon it's very inception.

Because The Word=Jesus is able to see in the unseen realms (that is in the Spirit). One's hope in a vision is what brings it forth to reality.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen.
~ Hebrews 11:1 

When hope in a vision begins, it is simply in Stage 1.
But, Praise God! for Stage 1 is akin to the final outcome
to one who is able to see what unswaying hope will result in.

Just as we are seated now in Heavenly places.
It is true, we absolutely are.
But can you see it and recognize it?

and raised us up with Him, 
and seated us with Him 
in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
Ephesians 2:6

Let me wrap this up in one clear sentence. :)


Now you may argue with this and say well I don't see it in my reality. So how is that true?

When one is given a vision by the Lord ... and thus begins to hope for it.... that vision is immediately birthed by your hope. It has gained form in the Spirit. It exists even if you can't see it in the natural.

"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; 

It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. 

Though it tarries, wait for it; 

For it will certainly come, 

it will not delay.

 ~ Habakkuk 2:3

We are given scripture that offers guidance around this Vision, to be patient and wait for it. 

Reminding us that though it tarry, it will surely come! The fact that the scripture states that it will not delay, tells me that the vision will arrive at THE PERFECT TIME.

So Trust in the Vision God gives you.


It is so much more fulfilling to believe in the unseen over what is seen. 

Because we are now functioning the way we are designed to.

Yes it is SO FULFILLING TO RISK to hope and act as if the Vision we are shown is absolutely real. 

Consider that FAITH is considered Righteous to God. 

Yes it's that important to Him.

Faith and the ability to believe in the unseen is what pleases our Father in Heaven.

Not despair! Not fear of disappointment! Not fear of failure!

Yes it is fear that is the devil's ploy.

Fear causes one to defer hope ....



For your Lord God did not give you a Spirit of Fear. 

ABOVE ALL, do not let hope be deferred.

Let your Faith now develop resilience! 

And be pleasing to your father in Heaven.

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, 
for he who comes to God 
must believe that He is 
and that He is a rewarder 
of those who seek Him.
 ~ Hebrews 11:6

Ahava Sarah Fischer 

Here's another analogy that came to me, that may be helpful to some. -
Hope begins as a baby, whose destiny cannot be seen ( by most ) because it is just a little infant. 

But those who can see in the spirit and are allowed a glimpse will see the baby's destiny. 

That baby's destiny is just as real at that moment it is perceived as it is at the moment of it's outcome.

That outcome being, the man or woman who has stepped into full knowledge of their authority and identity in Christ and thus has borne immense fruit for the Lord Jesus. 

The display of their ministry and life is awesome, brilliant and clear as day ... and has now become visible to all.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Wait for it patiently to grow into adulthood. 

Let hope not be deferred, for your hope is a tree of life that feeds the Vision. 

Amen :)



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