God Strengthens us ... physically !

  • Philippians 4:13 ~ I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

    Isaiah 40:29 ~ He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Continuing on the theme of strength, these past 2 days I experienced how the Lord truly does give us supernatural strength when we need it.

We had recently moved homes, and after a month in our new home, I knew I could not live there. The noise levels were too much for me and the apartments grounds were not well-managed.

So we moved once more! Thankfully this time we found the most perfect WONDERFUL place. The hand of the Lord was all over this new home of ours. I am so grateful.

In the past 2 days we have been packing and moving. Carrying heavy loads up and down heavy stairs. It was just myself and Tom working away.

I can honestly say, I am more sore and raw than I've ever been in a long long time! lol :)

And I can certainly say that the Lord strengthen me for this.

Today was our 2nd day of moving. We woke up at 4 am to begin moving early in the am. I was so sore from the move the day before that I was actually shivering and my body was cold and clammy. I was at my weakest physically. I had a high fever ...I was faltering and my body could not take anymore intense labor ... but we had so much more work to do!

But I kept declaring the scripture, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Tom joined in and prayed for my healing as well.

The Lord did strengthen me! It truly was supernatural how quickly I recovered. The amount of physical labor we accomplished in the past 2 days is truly quite extraordinary. And I am certain I could not have done it without the Lord.

Thank you Yeshua ... once again. You're an AWESOME GOD :)


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