Parents - A child’s spiritual covering

Just as Jesus is the head of the church, and the husband is the head of a marriage, so are parent’s the spiritual head of the home. 

Thus it is the parent’s responsibility to lead and train a child in the right way.

The child does not take the lead. Unfortunately in a day and age where discipline is confused with being overtly harsh and politically incorrect, this sense of order is lost in many families. And children run astray with any trend or wrong teaching that comes along the way to entice them.

The head of the house must take the lead presenting the right way as an example to all in their household. If rebellion arises it becomes the parent’s responsibility to exercise their authority and wisdom to nip this rebellion in the bud.

LOVE your child with all their heart and have a world of fun with your precious gift from the Lord … but where discipline is needed do not delay in exacting it.

Believers in Christ are Strong.

We are tender hearted but BOLD and Fierce when establishing the ways of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.

Too many people are fooled into thinking that being mild and nice is the holiest action to take. I must vehemently refute that concept.

Being holy requires obeying the Lord’s commands including taking dominion over that which comes under our authority and thus expanding His Kingdom in our own households.

Step up into authority and do not negotiate with the voice of resisting demons. As the parent you’re in charge and it’s up to parents to assert that authority, and reject the deception of guilt or fear.

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.- Proverbs 22:6

Discipline your son while there is hope, And do not desire his death.- Proverbs 19:18


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