The Total Solar Eclipse & ELUL

The Jewish month of ELUL (the season of reflection & repentance) began on Aug 21 2017.

The very same day as the total solar eclipse over the US.

Biblically a total solar eclipse speaks of judgement. 
Consider the eclipse that occurred at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 
As well as history's most famous eclipse that fell over Nineveh just prior to Jonah's arrival and warning to repent. 🌖

Which makes this season of ELUL all the more significant this year. 

The King is in the field.

These signs are a clear call to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.  
It is the time for deep cleaning, repentance. .
Even a little LEAVEN leaveneth the bread. Cast it out once and for all. 

This is the proverbial last chance to get one's house in order.

Ahava Sarah Fischer



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