Do Less so He can do more

Journal entry - 30 May 2017 

Do Less so that He can do more.

This is a concept that the Lord has been reminding me of.

This month was meant to be a time devoted to going deeper in the Lord. It follows a very busy season where we travelled across the US a 40 day ministry trip.. 

But lately I've found that we have become very busy once again. 

We had to make quick trips to Tennessee and Philadelphia. On top of that we had friends organizing conferences and we attended both to support them. Ordinarily, we are not conference people, we’d rather be evangelizing on the street, but we made exceptions for our friends.

All this, on top of a list of goals that I am working on. I’m an ambitious person with BIG Goals …. Needless to say, I found myself beginning to feel overwhelmed!

And that is when the Holy Spirit began to comfort me. 

He said “ Slow Down.”

I heaved a sigh of relief.

The Lord Jesus has told me in the past, “Do less so that I can do more.”

He's also said, " Slow down so that I can speed things up."

And I have witnessed the Power of simplicity.

Simplifying goals, 
Minimizing distractions 
and Emphasizing Rest … 
is what produces great fruit.

Being busy doesn’t mean being fruitful. 

It just means you’re busy.

But being in His perfect Will, in a deep state of peace, whilst moving along purposefully and deliberately, doing every job with excellence … 

Now that is what bears great fruit.

Thank you Lord Yeshua for the reminder to slow down and remain in you. Thank you for surprising me with your efficiency as I hand the reigns to you! J

 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.~ John 15:4


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