
When the Lord engineers and connects other believers to us, it feels like pure refreshment!

At moments like this, I see that unity in the Body of Christ is important for many reasons. 

Each member has a unique aspect of revelation from the Lord. 

Each has an insight that is packaged differently but really speaks of the same thing - the Glory of God! :)

I liken it to a gift of perception that the Lord places inside each one of us ... that is designed to be shared with one another. Once that insight is shared it must then be deeply received into the fabric of our being.

And so each piece comes together, a beautiful landscape woven by many threads..... 

A stunning tapestry appears ... as we gain a greater glimpse of the vast range of His revelation.

Philippians 2:2 - Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, [being] of one accord, of one mind.


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