Baptized in the Scottish seas!

June 18th 2017 

What a blessing it is to be visiting beautiful Scotland this week. Scotland may well be one of my most favourite places in the world apart from Israel. Plus we have had glorious sunny days. Nonetheless, we are in Scotland and even in summer, the waters are pretty chilly here!

We spent this week in Inverness, Scotland to visit some wonderful friends of ours. It was a week of vacation and rest for us. But there's never really a vacation from the Lord ! :)

In fact times of rest, very quickly strengthen us to serve Him once again. It's such a joy to spread the good news of the gospel and see others come to find freedom in his name.

We met Peter, who is seen standing in the middle of the picture here.

Peter received deliverance from us right on the open streets of Inverness. It was quite a sight! And the experience was life changing for him. He came out smiling and feeling set free!

During the deliverance, our friend Maria had a word of knowledge that Peter needed to be baptied once more. When she shared this with him, he readily agreed.

That very evening, we took Peter to the seaside and we baptized him in the waters. He was so touched that we were all ministering to him and it touched him deeply.

That evening, Peter told us that he had spoken to his brother who had a dream the night before that Peter was being baptized. This was before any of us had any idea we would even be ministering to Peter. We were amazed.

Glory to God in the highest! Elohim had planned it all along!

and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also

—not the removal of dirt from the body 

but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. 

It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

~ 1 Peter 3:21


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