Journal Entry Thursday 8 June 2017

I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.

Well I hit a bit of a rough patch. We had to make some major decisions for the year. As  the year's plans were established, the intensity of what was coming began to overwhelm me. Stress and resistance suddenly built up in me.  I felt a tension taking over!

But praise God, the Lord had me in His hands and returned me safely into Him.

I found myself remembering the Lord's words.

Remain in me, 
as I also remain in you. 
No branch can bear fruit by itself; 
it must remain in the vine. 
Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
~ John 15:4

Remain in me, Jesus said.

In other words, remain in Peace ...

For He is the Prince of Peace.

He is the Vine and we are the Branches. We are only truly fruitful in Him!

The fragrance of Rest is a deep state of peace.

The world defines rest as being still. And this isn't quite accurate.

Rather than inactivity, it speaks of an inner stillness, where we deliberately choose peace in the midst of chaos.

One can be at rest even in a whirlwind storm. The eye of the storm is a good analogy for this!

Albeit, choosing to be at rest can be very hard in moments of angst or upset.
I've seen that some effort and a choice is needed to enter into rest. :)
When we deliberately reject fear, stress and anxiety, and choose to trust and believe,
Then we can PLUNGE into to Him .... staying hidden in Him ... remaining in Him. 
There is ample fruit that will come from this decision.

Life is not always easy. But choosing to be at REST while facing a challenge, is always be the optimal choice.

REST invites Grace and thus creates Ease.

Today I read the following passage written by Norman F Douty that reminded me of this.

God's promises is not freedom
From trials in the race;
But power to transcend them through His Sufficing Grace.
Not rest instead of labour,
but in the labour REST;
Not calm instead of tempest,
But calm when sore distressed.

Not light instead of darkness,
Not joy instead of grief;
But brightness in the midnight,
And in the woe relief.


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