Day 12 LIQUID CLEANSE - And we are Complete :)

Day 12 

Well I've decided this detox has run it's course. Phew! :)

Yesterday's food cravings were intense, and am not going to go too far against what my body is asking for.

So this is the last stretch and by the end of the day today I end my fast. HALLELUJAH! I AM SO EXCITED :)

I'm glad it went 12 days. 12 is a good number, symbolizing government.

I end this chapter with my thoughts on fasting -

I consider fasting a euphoric state 
You gain a joy that is not dependent on things people, objects or surroundings 
Rather it's a joy that springs from within 
Yes indeed it is a spring that begins to flow.
This spring that was once stopped up by murky waters 
And now it is free to flow.

In the fasted state we come to the realization that WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED
We just need to peel off the scales to find it.
The more we peel off the more we have.

Such is the paradox of the Kingdom of God.
The truth is so illogical to the limited man of mind. 
But as Dr Seuss says what's true is truer than true
Clean up your act , ( literally ) and watch the Grace of God fill you up! 
With Favour blessings clarity
You see you cannot outgive God
Give up anything for Him, any sacrifice is a " Fast"
Truly do it for the Glory of God
And he rewards you with a gift beyond your imagination 
Of this I am certain 
Because it's entirely biblical !

You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, 
which will produce thanksgiving to God through us” 
2 Cor. 9:11

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully.
2 Corinthians 9:6


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