Day 7 LIQUID CLEANSE - - Tooth sensitivity clears



1 July 2017

Day 7 ❤

Liquid Cleanse - 1 smoothie + green tea + broth + water .
It's going so well I've decided to continue. Don't know how long I'll go. I plan to take it day by day :)
I feel like my body is asking for MORE 😊Once you get over the initial discomfort and adapt to the changes, it becomes so enjoyable. .
Sounds are heightened, smells are delicious , sleep is improved and today a deep calm blankets me. I'm not ready to give this up just yet 😊it feels too good :) Loving the #bliss !
Another benefit is quick healing. On the 1st day I had a sensitive tooth. After 7 days on liquids that tooth has healed itself!!! Glory!
You may ask why not pray for the tooth? Some situations call for prayer & some simply require correction. At time the Holy Spirit may direct you to make changes in the natural to establish heavenly order ... in the earthly realm.
In this case discipline around food was needed. Though I'm healthy (I began the cleanse at a weight/height of 113 pounds & 5ft 3 ) there's a higher standard to aim for. And it's not all about weight. I'm being led back to the fasted life that I so enjoy. For He gave us a spirit of discipline.
The spiritually immature reject being tested & demand miracles for every situation. But at times the Lord needs us to grow in His qualities & directs us to make changes. It's important to receive the Lords instruction. He knows best.
For e.g., if I had not been led to undertake this cleanse I would have missed out on all the many benefits I'm now enjoying. There's a great peace & fulfillment that one soon encounters in a fasted state. It's BLISS πŸ’ž
We have to trust God. Trust His leading. And move from being children to an adults. Willing to be corrected, to be disciplined, willing to learn patience & long suffering. Turns out it's not hard. Turns out it's easier than expected ! And FUN 😊
The rewards are far greater than anything we give up. The Lord is so generous He always outgives us. When we give up anything in pursuit of Him, He pours out so much more!
So really it's a Feast not a fast :) .
Annddd Day 7 is almost up! 😍 Jesus is Lord! ❤Will update via my blog instead.
Love & Shalom 😘
#juicefeasting #juice #juicefast


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